IMSCAD and HP Anyware
IMSCAD are proud to be partnered with HP Anyware. Having previously partnered with HP Teradici it makes sense for us to not only continue this partnership but expand on it, to continue the journey to simplify Remote Working for Design Users including Architects, Engineers and Construction firms.
The HP Anyware Partnership extends IMSCAD’s portfolio of Remote Work Solutions for Graphics-Intensive Applications with the addition of HP Anyware, the enterprise software all firms need to keep users and teams productive with secured access to their digital workspaces, from virtually any device in any location with network connectivity.
HP Anyware fits perfectly with IMSCAD’s history, being at the forefront of the virtualisation of graphical applications for more than 10 years.
This partnership reinforces IMSCAD’s place at the forefront of remote work solutions for Graphics-Intensive Applications. The collaboration combines IMSCAD’s world leading expertise for deploying and supporting graphical applications and workflows, to facilitate User and Enterprise Mobility with HP Anyware’s technology, replacing slow and outdated VPN file transfers, HP Anyware leverages PC – over – IP (PColP®) technology to stream highly interactive desktop displays between almost any host and end-user device (PC, Mac®, laptop or tablet) without any data ever leaving the safety of the customer’s network.
About HP Anyware Technology:
- PColP® technology was invented in 2004, and although it has been imitated, PColP® remote display technology remains unrivalled.
- PColP® encodes, compresses, encrypts, and transports image pixels from a central server or workstation.
- It then decrypts and decompresses the image for users to interact with on any endpoint.
No business information ever leaves secured cloud, data centre, or workstation.
Through a single subscription, each customer gets support and updates for HP Anyware. The HP Anyware subscriptions allows IMSCAD to help you scale based on your internal demand for remote desktops and workstations.
Your subscription is based on the number of concurrent PCoIP connections used (minimum 5). In essence, you are paying for the connection, not the software.